Arm Lift
Palm Harbor Plastic Surgery Centre is here to help you make a confident, informed decision about our Arm Lift Surgery. Before and After- Dr RossBefore and After- Dr Buck An arm lift, or otherwise known as bachioplasty, can remove the excess skin and fat deposits, leaving the upper arms with a more pleasing and youthful contour. As a person ages, upper arm skin can become loose and flabby. We will consult with you about undergoing surgery for an arm lift you wish to tighten this skin to look and feel more youthful. The incision extends from the elbow to the underarm, and sometimes on to the side of the chest. In some instances, we may recommend that liposuction be used alone or in conjunction with an arm lift to remove excess fat in the upper arms. After weight loss or toning up the upper arms may need some extra help. This procedure is useful when too much skin is present.
This procedure can be done in conjunction with liposuction or other body reshaping procedures.
Ask us about this procedure during your consultation.