Gynecomastia Surgery
Palm Harbor Plastic Surgery Centre is here to help you make a confident, informed decision about male breast reduction, gynecomastia surgery. Before & After- Dr RossBefore & After- Dr BuckIf you are considering GYNECOMASTIA surgery…
Gynecomastia is a benign enlargement of the male breast tissue. Gynecomastia develops in up to 65% of adolescent boys and 40% of adult men. The term comes from the Greek words gyne meaning “woman” and mastos meaning “breast”. In practical terms, this means abnormally large breasts on men. The condition is common in adolescent boys and 90% of the time symptoms disappear in a matter of months, or, as adolescence wanes, a few years later. The remaining individuals may benefit from a surgical procedure to correct this enlargement of the breast.
The Potential causes include:
- Steroid abuse
- Marijuana use
- Genetic disorders
- Malnutrition
- Thyroid disease
- Renal disease
- Chronic liver disease
- Side effects of some medications (Estrogens, Spironolactone, Cimetidine, Digoxin, Reserpine, Diazepam, Theophylline)
The Surgery: Liposuction and direct excision of the enlarged breast tissue make up the ideal solution to this problem. The combination of liposuction or UAL (ultrasound assisted Lipoplasty) and excision of the tissue is done with the patient under general anesthesia in our Facility or a Hospital. The procedure is done through a small incision at the border of the nipple complex, and the glandular tissue is carefully removed. The areola diameter can be reduced or adjusted in position. Liposuction is then used to contour the chest and increase muscle definition. The patient wears an elastic vest for several weeks to control healing and swelling. All surgery carries some uncertainty and risk: Infection and bleeding although uncommon are potential events with any surgery. There may be an irregular contour around the nipple and the resulting scar may be thickened or raised. The nipple sensation may be altered of lost after the procedure. Preparing for your surgery Avoid drinking, smoking and taking or avoiding certain vitamins and medications. Types of anesthesia Gynecomastia surgery is usually performed under a general anesthesia, and can be scheduled in our facility.
What our patients are saying about this procedure
“This procedure (gynecomastia surgery) changed my life. I can now take off my shirt and feel good about myself.”
“I used to tape my chest to hide my breasts. I no longer have to do that. It is remarkable what can be done.” “I was so self conscious about how my chest looked. I tried dieting and working out. Nothing helped. Finally I looked into this procedure and had it done. I could not be happier.”

Post-op garment
“The recovery process was not bad. After a few days I was back to regular. I started my exercise and workout 3 weeks later.” “My parents did not understand what I was going through. This really helped me.” “Before having this procedure, there was no way I was taking my shirt off, so the beach was not happening.”