Our Surgery Centre
We are conveniently located at 35080 US Hwy 19 N Palm Harbor, Florida. As you consider outpatient surgery, one of the most important decisions you and your surgeon will make is the choice of a surgery centre. Book Your ConsultationCall Us Today! 727-789-5711
We are pleased that you are considering The Palm Harbor Plastic Surgery Centre and offices for Jay H Ross, MD and Jennifer Buck, MD. We believe you will find much more than a beautiful building in a nice location. Every member of our medical and support team is dedicated to helping you through the surgical and postoperative process.
Our Centre is beautiful and immaculately maintained. State-of-the art surgical suites and recovery rooms have certifications of the American Association of the Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities, Inc.® (AAAASF). We are the only such Accredited Centre in North Pinellas County.
We are certified by the State Of Florida to perform office based surgery.
An important aspect of your care relates to the quality of systems in place for insuring your safety during and after surgery. Patient safety in cosmetic surgery is our Highest Priority. Our operating rooms are equipped to hospital standards. Registered Nurses who are certified in Advanced Cardiac Life Support are with our patients during their stay in the operating room. The Centre’s medical staff constantly aspires to meet the highest standards in patient care. Monitoring in the operating room includes: EKG, pulse oximetry, blood pressure, capnograph (CO2).
Palm Harbor Plastic Surgery Centre is located in Central Palm Harbor off U.S. Highway 19 North in The Fountains Plaza Shopping Center. With easy accessibility and a unique privacy, the Centre is truly an ideal option.
Our certification:
The American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities, Inc. (AAAASF) was established in 1980. Its primary mission is to ensure the highest quality patient care in the ambulatory surgery setting. today, with more than 550 accredited outpatient surgical facilities, the not-for-profit AAAASF is the largest accrediting organization of its kind in the United States.
The vast majority of ambulatory surgery facilities are unaccredited, operating independent of any peer review and inspection process. A growing number of states throughout the country, however, are recognizing the need for mandatory accreditation. AAAASF is in the forefront of legislation efforts to provide patients with safety and quality assurance in the outpatient setting.
In 1996, California become the first state to mandate accreditation for all outpatient facilities that administer sedation or general anesthesia. AAAASF was instrumental in the development of the California legislation (AB 595) as well as subsequent laws and regulations adopted by states as Florida, Georgia, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Texas. AAAASF accreditation guidelines have been recognized as the ‘gold standard,” providing the highest level of safety and quality in ambulatory surgical care.
The majority of private insurance carriers recognize accreditation by AAAASF for reimbursement of covered procedures. AAAASF accreditation has been approved by state Departments of Health in lieu of state licensure and, with additional standards, has been approved for deemed status in lieu of Medicare certification.
All AAAASF accredited facilities must:
- comply with applicable local, state, and federal regulations including fire safety, sanitation and building codes for the protection of patients and medical personnel;
- adhere to federal laws and regulations affecting their operations such as OSHA blood-borne pathogens standards, hazardous waste standards, and the Americans with Disabilities Act;
- utilize advanced instruments and monitoring devices for patient safety during surgery and in the recovery period;
- allow surgery to be performed only by qualified surgeons who have privileges to perform the same surgical procedures in an accredited hospital. Surgeons must meet the standards, such as peer-review and continuing medical education, required for operating in an accredited hospital. Surgeons must be certified (or eligible for certification) in surgical specialties recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties. This is an important distinction between AAAASF and other organizations that may not require this high standard of qualifications for physicians operating within their accredited facilities; and
- provide for the administration of general anesthesia, when appropriate, by a board-certified or board-eligible anesthesiologist or a certifies registered nurse anesthetist. Other personnel assisting in surgery and providing care for the patient in the recovery room include specially trained surgical technicians, registered nurses, and licensed practical nurses.
AAAASF rigorously inspects and evaluates each facility seeking accreditation to ensure that is meets the highest standards. After accreditation is achieved, AAAASF requires an annual in-house evaluation to identify any areas that may need improvement. Every three years, a formal site inspection is performed by a trained AAAASF representative.
We are committed to providing our patients with the following: A surgeon who is both Board Certified in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and specializing in Cosmetic surgery: whose credentials and training are exceptional. An office staff who is accessible, efficient, knowledgeable and pleasant: whose sophisticated computer system allows accurate scheduling and record keeping. We now offer scheduling online and text and email confirmation to our patients. A nursing staff who specialize in Plastic Surgery and can provide the individualized patient care you deserve. A relaxing office environment for in-depth consultation and preoperative discussion. An abundance of patient information brochures and booklets which will answer many of your questions. A safe, sophisticated surgical centre with state-of-the art monitoring and anesthesia/surgical equipment. A commitment to total postoperative care, from the initial recovery through the annual check-ups.