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Palm Harbor Plastic Surgery Centre is here to help you make a confident, informed decision about Liposuction procedures.
Before and AfterCall for Your Free Consultation: 727-789-5711

Palm Harbor Plastic Surgery Fat Suctioning Liposuction Body Contouring. Our plastic surgeons are here to assist you achieve your body reshaping goals. Set up your consultation today and see what we can do for you.
This procedure is know as liposuction, fat suction, suction Lipectomy, tumescent liposuction, ultrasound assisted Lipoplasty or power assisted liposuction. It is a technique to remove unwanted fat deposits from specific areas of the body, including the face, upper arms, abdomen, buttocks, hips, and thighs; and the knees, calves and ankles. Liposuction is not a substitute for weight reduction, but a method of removing localized fat that doesn’t respond to dieting and exercise.

The best candidates for liposuction

Liposuction can enhance your appearance and your self-confidence, but it won’t necessarily change your looks to match your ideal, or cause other people to treat you differently. Before you decide to have surgery, think carefully about your expectations and discuss them us. The best candidates for liposuction are of relatively normal weight but have pockets of excess fat in particular areas. You should be physically healthy, psychologically stable, and realistic in your expectations. Most important, having firm, elastic skin will result in a better final contour. (Hanging skin won’t reshape to your body’s new contours, and may require an additional procedure to surgically remove the excess skin.) Suction lipectomy is not recommended if you’ve had recent surgery on the spot to be sculpted, if you have poor blood circulation in that area, or if you have heart or lung disease. You should also understand that liposuction by itself will not improve the dimpling skin know as cellulite. Consider the use of Endermologie for this concern.
All surgery carries some uncertainty and risk
Suction-assisted lipectomy is normally safe, as long as patients are carefully selected, the operating facility is properly equipped, and the physician is adequately trained in body contouring as well as general surgery. Nevertheless, in rare instances, the procedure may cause severe trauma, particularly when multiple or very extensive areas are suctioned at one time. Other infrequent, but possible, complications include fluid accumulation (which must be drained) and injury to the skin. Although serious complications are infrequent, infection or excessive fluid loss can lead to severe illness. the scars from liposuction are small and strategically placed to be hidden from view, even in a bikini. However, other cosmetic problems may occur. They may include rippling or bagginess of the skin over the treated area, and pigmentation changes that may become permanent if exposed to the sun. Asymmetry (uneven contour or shape) sometimes requires a second procedure.
Preparing for your surgery
We will give you specific instructions on how to prepare for surgery, including guidelines on eating and drinking, smoking and taking or avoiding vitamins, iron tablets and certain medications. If you develop a cold or an infection of any kind, especially a skin infection, your procedure will have to be postponed. While you’re making preparations, be sure to arrange for someone to drive you home after your surgery and, if needed to help you out for a day or two.
Where your surgery will be performed
Suction-assisted Lipectomy may be performed in our surgery centre or a local surgery centre or outpatient hospital OR.
Types of anesthesia
If your procedure is not too extensive-that is, the amount of fat and fluid removed is minimal then liposuction can be performed under local anesthesia. If we plan to suction large areas, or treat several sites, you’ll probability have a general anesthesia. In that case, you’ll sleep through the operation.
The Surgery
Suction -assisted lipectomy usually takes an hour or two, but the time required may vary considerably- from thirty minutes to several hours, depending on the area and the amount of fat suctioned. To begin the procedure, we make small incisions just large enough to allow the insertion of a hollow tube called a cannula. A tumescent fluid is pumped into the fatty layer and allow to stay there before the process of liposuction begins. The opposite end of the cannula is attached to a machine that creates a strong vacuum. We manipulate the cannula deep with in the fat layers under the skin, breaking up the fat and suctioning it out. You’ll lose fluid along with the fat during liposuction, and it’s crucial that this fluid be replaced. You’ll be given fluids intravenously and we ask you to keep yourself well hydrated before and after this procedure.
After your surgery
It is very important that you continue to drink plenty of fluids after your liposuction procedure to keep yourself well hydrated. A snug elastic dressing, girdle, or body stocking must be worn over the treated area to control swelling and bleeding, and to help your skin shrink to fit your new contour. You may need to wear this garment continuously for two to three weeks, then just in the daytime for a few more weeks, depending on our instructions. Don’t expect to look or feel great right after surgery. You’ll even be heavier for a while, because of the extra fluids you’ve been given. the suction areas will be swollen and bruised and you may feel a burning sensation. The pain can be controlled with medications. You may temporarily lose all the feeling in the suctioned area; don’t worry–it will return.
Order your post-op garment here. For a full line of phase 2 wear products that offer comfort and support for your operative care, using varied compression, click here.
Healing is a gradual process. You should avoid strenuous exercise for several weeks. While most of the swelling and discoloration will be gone a month or two after surgery, some swelling can remain for six months or more.
Suction-assisted Lipectomy is a highly effective technique for giving you a new body contour with very little scarring. The results can be permanent, providing you eat sensibly and exercise regularly. If you do gain weight, you’ll probably gain it more uniformly throughout your body, not just in the former bulges.

